alexandrawrote five great things someone else said

five great things someone else said, vol 47

Growing up, it always felt like the holidays arrived in Los Angeles like any other city. Except they didn’t. In this almost seasonless town, we have to work to make the change of season apparent. Fortunately, this place enjoys a little dramatic flair and has no issues with a bit of cosmetic work. There will […]

alexandrawrote what I'm reading

The Chateau Marmont, Jon Krasinski, Rilo Kiley and Lip Synching AKA I Love LA

 I could probably make a list of about 247 things about Los Angeles that drive me crazy at the moment. But I still love it. This town works in mysterious ways. Always has and hope it always will. Traveling with my father’s films as a kid often meant months living in cities far from LA. […]