alexandrawrote five great things someone else said I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends

five great things someone else said, vol 45

I am a list maker. A planner. It’s the way I keep the juggle of scriptwriting and writing in script, of writing and editing and calligraphy and photography (well, less photography these days) – all of the bits and pieces of my creative life – it’s the only way to keep all the balls in […]

alexandrawrote five great things someone else said quote me

five great things someone else said, vol 44

Some days when I’m stressing over the big things, I need to think about all the little bits and pieces that make it whole. That make it funnier. More inspiring. More interesting. In just the last week alone, I’ve realized that: If you bake allergy free, it’s a good idea to Google recipes every so […]